Almost There
Today the physical proof for my book Dancing with the Divine arrived! Although I have read through my manuscript so many times I think I could recite it by memory, there’s something different—something so exciting—about holding the actual physical proof in my hands for the first time. I feel a sense of confidence, of joy, of possibility. I’m one step closer—a huge step closer—to publication, and to launching my book.
Have you felt that sense of enthusiasm or joyful anticipation when you were approaching your own finish line? When you knew that it wouldn’t be long until your dream was fulfilled? When you allowed yourself to believe that what you desired was really possible?
As I hold my book in my hands, I reflect on the journey that brought me to this moment. What steps led me to this moment in time—to being so close to seeing my dream being fulfilled? For me, the process appears similar to a seed unfolding into its fullness. Can you identify with this process in your own life? I invite you to consider the steps as a way to bring your dream into reality.
1. The seed is planted.
A seed has to be planted if we want to reap a harvest. There has to be a starting point.
Sometimes a seed is planted in our consciousness and we have no idea how that seed will manifest in our lives. Seventeen years ago, on April 10, 2005, I was ordained as a Unity minister. On that day, two passions of my life came together—my spiritual journey and my love for ballroom dancing. My inner spirit guided me to a theme for the day, “Dancing with the Divine.” At my ordination ceremony, I shared in words the story of how my dance with the Divine had led me to become a Unity minister. Then, at my reception, I shared in dance—with my human partner—the physical representation of dancing with the Divine. Little did I know then that this theme would become the title for my book Dancing with the Divine.
What seed has been planted in your consciousness that may, at any moment, begin to grow and unfold in your life? Be aware of the inner nudges that could lead to new growth for you.
2. The seed takes root.
After a seed is planted in the ground, there is a period of dormancy—a time when nothing seems to be happening—but underneath the ground, the seed is beginning to take root, to gain strength for its eventual push to the surface.
Sometimes a seed planted in our consciousness takes a long time before it manifests in our life. During that time, we may think about it now and then, forget about the seed or idea that was planted, or experience moments when ideas seem to be “dancing in our heads.”
After the dancing with the Divine theme was planted in my consciousness, I continued to be aware of the lessons I was learning in ballroom dancing—lessons that mirrored my spiritual journey in learning to trust and follow my inner spirit. The idea of writing a book with this theme was beginning to take root in me.
What seeds are taking root in your consciousness right now that might lead to the fulfillment of your dream? Be open to possibilities. Notice the thoughts and ideas that keep appearing in one form or another.
3. The seed germinates.
In this stage, the seed begins to grow, to sprout, to push through to the surface of the ground.
The seed that was planted in our consciousness begins to reveal itself in our world. The idea that was planted begins to take shape. We actively acknowledge our dream or vision, and we take steps to bring the dream into reality.
After retiring from Unity of Palmyra, I took a class on writing memoirs. I began to write pieces about my spiritual journey juxtaposed with my ballroom dance lessons. My instructor and classmates encouraged me to continue this theme. Then, step by step, my inner spirit guided me to view a series of free online videos on aspects of writing a book; to write—for a collaborative book-- four pieces on following my inner guidance; and then to enroll in the Your Soulful Book program where I learned about all aspects of writing, editing, and publishing my own book.
What steps are you willing to take to follow your heart’s desire? Take one step in the direction of your dream You’ll be amazed at how one step after another will unfold in perfect divine timing.
4. The seed blossoms.
In time, the seed that pushed its way to the surface blossoms and releases its fragrance or its beauty.
In time, we begin to see our dream blossoming. When we begin to take steps in the direction of our dreams, synchronicities—meaningful coincidences—occur. The right person appears in our lives to offer exactly what we need on our journey; the right book falls from a shelf into our arms; or the inspiration we are searching for reveals itself to us.
Step by step, I wrote my book. I was supported by my fellow writers, my editor and book coach, my friends, and most of all, my inner spirit. Now, I am just a few steps away from my dream of having my book published. April 26th marks the launch date for Dancing with the Divine.
Can you imagine the joy you will feel when your dream becomes reality? Visualize your dream coming true, use affirmations—positive statements of truth—to give your dream positive energy, and believe your dream is coming true.
Whether there’s a dream being planted in your consciousness right now, whether you are beginning to see signs of your heart’s desire coming true, or whether you are “almost there” (at the finish line), know that anything is possible. Keep on trusting, keep on following your inner spirit, and keep on keeping on!