Hello, and welcome. I’m glad that you’re here.
I’m Julie Vance, and I’m an author, Unity minister, teacher, and spiritual mentor who loves helping others learn to recognize, trust, and follow their inner spirit — a process I call “dancing with the Divine.”
My commitment to following my inner spirit has led me from fear and doubt to greater clarity, peace of mind and heart, confidence, courage, and a deeper connection with the Divine presence within me. My greatest joy in my work as a minister, teacher, and spiritual mentor for more than 30 years, has been assisting others in discovering their unique dance with the Divine.
Since retiring from full time ministry in 2017, I’ve been sharing my message through classes, inspirational talks, and writing. My book, Dancing with the Divine,” is now available here.
When I’m not teaching, speaking, or writing, I enjoy traveling; ballroom dancing; devouring a biography, historical fiction, or spiritual growth book; enjoying a concert, the theater, or a cup of tea and scones at a cozy tearoom with friends; or delighting in the freedom and flow of an unstructured day—a day with no schedule or plan, just the opportunity to follow the energy of the moment.
If you have a question about me or the services I offer, or would like to schedule a talk, workshop or spiritual mentoring session, please contact me. I’d love to hear from you.
Love and blessings,