Are you living a soulful life?
What is your soul longing for?
In this busy world in which we live—where the focus is on doing rather than being—we often lose sight of who we are at our deepest essence.
Our soul is the core of our being, our consciousness, Spirit expressing in us. When we live a soulful life, we live authentically, with awareness, and with joy.
How can you recapture your sense of wonder and joy and live a soulful life?
1. Get in touch with your soul.
Take time each day for solitude, reflection, silence.
Ask: “What does my soul need today?” Then listen to what you hear and make time to give your soul what it needs.
If you are engaged in work, an activity, or a relationship, ask: “Does this feed my soul?” If not, what can be changed in you or in the activity or relationship so that your soul can be fed?
Discover what brings you joy and find time each day to add joyful activities to your life.
2. Create balance in your life.
Is there a balance between work and play, being and doing, solitude and interaction with others, exercise and rest?
What is most important in your life? Prioritize the five most important aspects of your life and make sure the time allotted for each is in harmony with your priorities.
3. Embrace your life—all of your life.
Embrace the joys, sorrows, disappointments, delays, love, loss. All of these are part of being fully alive and living a soulful life.
See the good in everything. In everything that happens, you can find some good if you’re willing to look for it. Sometimes just telling yourself that there is good in a situation even if you can’t yet see it gives you a sense of hope.
See a purpose in every aspect of your life. Ask: “What is the truth in this situation?” “What do I need to learn here?” Every experience is an opportunity to learn and grow.
4. Give and receive love.
Treat yourself and others kindly and lovingly, be gentle with yourself and others.
Open your mind and heart to see through the eyes of love.
Choose loving thoughts, loving words, and loving actions.
5. Living a soulful life is a moment to moment choice we make.
Choose to be loving.
Choose to find meaning and purpose in life.
Choose to embrace life just as it is in each moment.
Choose that which feeds your soul.
Choose to create balance and harmony in your life.
May you live the life your soul is longing for and recapture a sense of joy and wonder in your world!
If you’d like to learn more about nurturing your soul, consider joining me for a day at Mariawald Retreat Center on October 12, 2022.