One Step at a Time: Moving from Fear to Faith

You set an intention for 2022. You felt the excitement of getting in touch with a desire of your heart. You were ready to step out of your comfort zone and move confidently into the new year. Then the fears began:

  • “Can I really accomplish what I set out to do?”

  • “Do I have what it takes to see this intention through?”

  • “Is it really possible for my dream to come true?”

Fear is a natural reaction when we make a major commitment or set an intention that stretches us to grow. It can be a positive sign that we’ve tapped into our inner spirit which moves us in the direction of growth and unfoldment. Fear can lead us to our inner power of faith, an essential element in our “dance with the Divine.” Fear is only a problem for us when we give up at the first feeling of discomfort or let it stop us from taking a step forward.

You’re probably thinking to yourself, “ yes, but, I want to know what the end results will be before I take the first step.” Faith doesn’t work that way. To dance with the Divine is to step out in faith and let Spirit and life support us.

So, how do we move from fear to faith?

1. Pause, slow down, and go within.

If you’re experiencing anxiety or fear, take a few minutes to pause, slow down, close your eyes if possible, and take a few deep breaths. Focus on a calming thought, such as:

  • “I have all the time I need.”

  • “I am calm and at ease.”

  • “I can do this.”

The act of consciously breathing and focusing on a calming thought allows our fear to dissipate and helps us connect with our inner spirit and see from a clearer perspective.

2. Face the fear.

Instead of trying to push the fear aside, breathe into the fear and acknowledge what you’re feeling, even if only to yourself. As best as you can, identify the fear. Asking “What exactly am I afraid of?” provides space for you to explore the fear and narrow it down to a specific and manageable fear.

3. Focus on the goal or desired outcome.

Focus on what you want to experience instead of imagining the worst-case scenario. Once you’ve identified your desired outcome, feed that intention with affirmations, such as:

  • “I can do this.”

  • “I can handle this.”

  • “I have all the support I need to move through this fear.”

4. Take a small step in the direction of the desired outcome.

Since taking a step toward the desired goal or outcome—no matter how small that step seems to be—builds trust, taking a step is essential in moving forward. Ask: “What small step am I willing to take right now?” (A step that is small and manageable enough that it causes little or no fear in this moment.) Take that step right now!

5. Keep moving forward one step at a time.

As you take each step, experience positive results, and see that everything you need is provided, you gain confidence and trust to keep on going. As you continue, keep asking your inner spirit for guidance: “What’s the next step for me to take?” To ensure you’re listening to the voice of your inner spirit and not your fear, tune in to your body. Does the choice you’re considering make you feel more open and expansive or more shut down and restricted? Faith, the voice of our inner spirit, expands; fear contracts. Tune into your feelings. Does this step feel right to me? Do I feel peaceful, excited, and joyful in considering this step? If no step feels right in the moment, another option may appear in time. Sometimes the step to take is to wait.

When you commit to moving ahead and facing your fears, the power of faith takes over. It becomes a bridge moving you from fear to your desired outcome or goal.

Adapted from "One Step at a Time—Moving From Fear to Faith" in Dancing with the Divine: How to Free Your Inner Spirit and Live An Extraordinary Life


Releasing Your Inner Splendor


Dancing into the New Year