Trusting Your Inner Spirit

I’m wondering if, like me, you have a best-loved movie or book which inspires you and speaks to your heart. In my all-time favorite movie, Field of Dreams, the hero, Ray Kinsella—when he is learning to follow the voice within—says:
I never did an illogical thing in my life until I heard the voice.

I can definitely say that learning to recognize, trust, and follow the voice within me—the voice of my inner spirit—led me to make choices which often surprised me and always brought greater clarity and fulfillment into my life. I noticed distinct differences in my life before and after I followed my inner spirit’s guidance.

Before I began to recognize, trust, and follow my inner spirit:

  • I followed the rules and expectations others had for me.

  • I hesitated to step out of my comfort zone.

  • I worried about making the right decisions.

  • I dishonored my feelings and needs and the inner promptings that were leading me on the path that was right for me.

After I discovered my inner spirit:

  • I began to listen to the daily inner promptings of my heart—messages like “read this book” or “call that person.”

  • I trusted my inner spirit to lead me to leave my 20-year teaching position without knowing what I would do next.

  • I started a business I called Integrity, offering personal and spiritual growth classes and workshops.

  • I became an ordained Unity minister after ignoring the call for 20 years.

  • I traveled on my own to Switzerland, Italy, France, and England.

  • I fulfilled my heart’s desire to write my upcoming book—Dancing with the Divine.

  • I became an avid ballroom dancer, performing routines at the annual Ballroom Bashes and other venues.

Learning to recognize, trust, and follow my inner spirit took time and patience. Sometimes I took one step forward and two steps back. Other times I was too afraid to follow the guidance I received. But, over the years of practicing, I noticed that when I was willing to listen and act as guided, my life flowed and I felt greater peace, harmony, and balance within myself and in my world.

Like Ray Kinsella, we all have the incredible power of our inner spirit inside us, guiding us, encouraging us, inspiring us if we are willing to listen.

The first step is taking time to listen.

I invite you, if you are willing, to join me today in setting aside time from the busyness of life—a few minutes, a half-hour, whatever you choose—to be still and listen. Find a comfortable, quiet place in your home, a favorite spot in nature, or anywhere you can be undisturbed for a period of time. Play soothing music in the background or simply enjoy the silence. Close your eyes, take a few deep breaths, and just listen—to the sound of your breath, to the sounds around you, to the voice within you. Be open to any feelings, insights, or ideas that come to you. Just relax and enjoy this time apart. Come back to your day refreshed and renewed.

Congratulations! You have just taken the first step in learning to listen to your inner spirit.


Dancing into the New Year